Carrie C.

Story Of Carrie from Carrie Comstock on Vimeo.


Corinth is a small town just outside of Bradford, Vermont. My dad and his family have lived there since Corinth was established in 1764. My first photo shows my dad’s house and my cousin’s house. When I was growing up my parents split up. Every other weekend I would go to my dad’s house. There my cousin and I were best friends. We were inseparable. Whether it was jumping on the trampoline or watching football, he and I could never be apart for very long. My second photo shows the old mailbox. It’s weathered but it has held up throughout the years.  This goes to show that my family has held together no matter what we have been through. My third photo is my dad’s actual house. It may look like it’s falling apart on the outside but on the inside it is beautiful. This tells us not to judge a book, or in other words a family, by its cover. My fourth picture is the pasture. I remember my cousins and I playing outside in that field having airsoft wars or tending to the farm animals. My fifth and final picture is the hayfield looking off in the distance. This shows that no matter how small Corinth is, it is still beautiful.

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